Multiverses Wiki
A Vorian from the Laoine archives




3.4-3.8 meters


Carnivorous and lithotrophic


High sapient


Highly advanced (ClassX)



Vorians are sapient bipedal hexacrurians native to Voricia of the Pari System. They are at a technological class of X, as they are intergalactic, with the Laoine. They are allies with the Laoine, but previously had hostile relationships with their binary world's inhabitants, the Rovians.


Vorians are hexacrurians, with two legs, arms, and wings. Their legs are digitigrade, and are heavily muscled. Their arms end in three, clawed fingers, and is also very strong. However, their wings have little muscle mass and is made traditionally out of a thick membrane of tough hide, spread out to make gliding possible. However, recent advances in augmenting technology allow them to have wings made out of carbon fibers and other lightweight materials.

Their wings are muscled at the base, with a strength slightly above the average human masseter muscle. This allows the wings to stay upright, even during long periods of flight with a lot of wind and air resistance. Also, their wings are almost always (in higher castes) filled with aerogel to provide lightweight support. (See: Augmentation)

Their arms contain four bones, two in the upper region, and two in the lower. The upper part contains two bones, the humerus, which controls most wrist actions and is connected directly to the scapula, and a near-useless bone, connected by tendons to the elbow joint and the humerus, is the exilis. This controls a muscle dubbed the sinuo amplius. This allows backwards bending in the elbow joint, and takes up very little energy. The lower segment of the arm has the basic radius and ulna setup, with the ulna being slightly smaller and farther apart than normal.

Vorian hand

An image showing the tendons and bones of the Vorians' hand

The hand is separated into five sections, the radix, a section of two bones coming off of the radius and ulna, radix major and minor, is the first section. It upholds the tendons which lead towards the thumb and two other fingers. There are two tendons, one which controls the thumb, and one which controls both of the fingers. The next area is called the avorsus fissum, which has three bones, the principalis articulo, minus articulo, and imus pollex. This is the area just before the split in the finger tendons, where there is several more bones and muscles controlling the separate fingers.

The area where the tendons are split is called the schismic region. Here, the main finger tendon splits into the two fingers which are on the hand of the Vorian, the orta and axir. This region is split into fifteen bones, separated into two regions, the ora minutus, which contains three, large bones in the thumb region, and the ossa exigusa, a region of twelve, tiny bones, in the main finger region. The last two regions denote two different kinds of bones in the fingers. These are separated by joints, and are tipped by a keratin claw.

Vorians' non-thumb digits can only preform two actions - flexion and extension. For this, their tendons control seven muscles - the lentomuscular region, three strong muscles devoted to flexion, and the pandomuscular region, four muscles devoted to extension. These extension muscles are not as strong as lentomuscular muscles, but still are slightly stronger than human extension muscles.

Their arms follow basic forearm patterns, with many deep and superficial muscles. However, deeper muscles are seen to be larger in proportion, as muscles such as the supinator, a radial muscle, is far larger, and denser. This results in a greater springing ability, much like the raptorial telsons of the Aian, but in less drastic measures. Their posterior deep muscles are large as well, with the extensor muscles able to aid in springing movements. Intinsic muscles are seen to be slightly smaller in proportion.

However, their upper arm shows a far greater difference in muscular position, with the exilis allowing more muscle mass. As a result, more tendons and muscles are seen, with the pectoralis major muscles larger and more thick. Their biceps are considerably small, as most arm strength is in the forearm and hands, and are stretched on the side of the exilis. They have a completely different bottom arm region, with a dominant muscle, the deflectus valens, controlling much of the elbow movement. The tendon connecting the exilis to this also controls the praxis ferro oneresus, a muscle used for carrying heavy loads, as it reinforces the deflectus muscles.

Vorians suffer from little neck issues, as they have reinforced soft tissue and cervical muscles. Their spinal bone, C1 through C9, starts in this region, and allows for almost 200 degree rotation of the head. However, this is limited because this cuts off blood flow, and after twenty to twenty-five seconds of that position, their head is forced to snap back to normal position by a reflex, the conversus clostellum reflexum. This is activated by a tender muscle known as the conversus reflexum causa, and is barely used in situations other than that. It can be used as a brace to facial impact, however.

Vorian skull

The Vorian skull. Note -- The gaps are meant to be cracks, and are not separate bones

The Vorian's face is covered with a layer of keratin, and has far more bones than a human. However, they have less cranial bones. These bones are as follows: frontal, 2 macerial (ones which are at the side of the braincase), one imial (at the end of the terminus macerius templum crack, an area between the macerial bones), and one laquial bone, looping around the braincase and causing the pars regio laquio crack, below the macerial bones. Their laquial bone meets up with the mandible, which juts out slightly less than human mandibles. Their zygomatic arches are peppered with holes where air filters grow from, as well as all bones on that level.

They have four palatine bones, and have a far deeper trachea, behind the eosophagus in that respect. These bones can move slightly with aid of the modus cacumen osculum minor muscles on their sides, and can aid in eating food by pressing down with the modus cacumen osculum major muscles. These are located on top of their palatine bones.

They do not have nasal bones, but instead have four degunate bones, which contain the gustal canal which tastes the air for prey. Other common facial bones are not seen, but instead replaced by three other kinds - two princifroncal, bones which provide support for the keratin region, the paullical bones, small bones attatched to tendons which control facial movement, and the pulchrid bones, which control the eyes.

Below the pulchrid bones, the suprapatefacio vultus muscle is seen. This controls the upper eyelid, while the infrapatefacio vultus muscle controls the lower eyelid. These share many nerves and a few tendons, so they both close at the same time. There is another, thinner eyelid which is accustomed to sandstorms which is controlled by the supra and infrapatefacio vultus minor muscles. Their irises usually have a yellow to red tinge to them, with a small, cat-like pupil. The whites of their eyes are barely seen, even when opened fully.

Their eye turns with aid of many muscles, each controlling a different movement. Their socket is lined with a heavy muscle which keeps the eyes in place in case of facial injury. Even if their eyes are injured, they can heal rather easily, as they are highly developed and have two optic nerves. They can see high into the ultraviolet spectrum, but are slightly limited when it comes to infrared.

Their trigeminal and hypoglossal nerves are highly developed, and their tongue and masseter muscle are very strong. They can grind silicaceous-calcaceous skeletons to dust with their teeth, which are often tipped with titanium or platinum. In the military, they are almost always replaced with some sort of quartz, and can grind through half of an inch of steel. Also, their subocciptial nerves are very well developed, and those nerves of C1-C3 control the neck and head movement. Their rectus capitis posterior muscles are far more elastic, to provide elasticity for the conversus clostellum causa.

Their thorax is wired with a twenty-ribbed ribcage, spanning down to nearly the pelvic region on their sides. This is based on their spine, specifically C17-C43. The ribcage's first seven ribs are covered by the pectoralis major muscles, which are very strong and dense. Their ribs are densely packed, with a layer of cartilage over them. This gives them a layer of cushioning, which protects from heavy breaking, but still allows some fracturing.

Their pectoral muscles are larger and thicker, allowing more force in the arms. However, other thorax muscles are not as advanced.

Vorian bones

A digital image of Vorian leg bones. The arms are much the same

They have 71 spinal bones, which are thin and buffered by a thick layer of cartilage. They have a spinal cord, but it is not as important as in other animals, as there are three other weave structures branching off of the C4, C7, and C9 vertebrae. These lead to the legs and arms.

They have four bones in each leg, just like in the arm. There is the femur in the top section, much like most legs. However, like the exilis, the femur is attatched to the por vis, a strengthening bone, by many tendons. Their legs show basic tibia-fibia muscles etc. However, the muscles on the femur and por vis are very different. The quadriceps are considerably smaller, and is wrapped around the por vis. The por vis is attatched to a muscle known as the robur tergus concitus, which aids in dashing.

Another part of the leg which is slightly out of order is the suprainflido muscle, which creates a springy movement in the upper leg. This aids in jumping, and lifting off into flight.

Their feet contain five regions, much like the hand regions. In fact, they have almost exactly the same structure except the radix is named the infrapediatus region.


The Vorian heart weighs around 450 to 600 grams.

It is enclosed in a triple-layered sack which overlaps the cardiac wall. This sack is called the terniocardia velarium. This is composed of the terniocardiac fluid and membranes made out of superficial terniocardiac. The fluid helps insulate the heart from shock, resulting in a far lower rate of heart attack. It also nourishes the heart with oxygen and nutrients it needs. The sack makes it anchored to other organs to prevent dismemberment, and prevents the heart from overfilling with blood. The inner layer can constrict, stopping the heart and lowering the chance of being heard by predators.

The outer wall of the heart is composed of four layers, the first being the inner terniocardiac region. The second layer of the cardiac wall is the roburcardiac layer. This is a dense muscular weave, reinforcing the walls. However, this is still elastic, which allows heavy beats. Next comes the cardiospongeic region. This is a safety measure which holds in and creates blood in the case of blood loss. It is considerably porous, and is around three quarters of a centimeter thick. The interior layer is the levis cardia region. This is a small, mucus producing layer which prevents acids from damaging to cardiac wall.

The Vorian heart has six chambers, two superior and one inferior atria and one superior and two inferior ventricles. The inferior atrium is located inbetween the two inferior ventricles. These are at the bottom of the heart in a V formation. The superior ventricle acts in the same way between the superior atria, creating a octahedron shape.

There are several valves allowing blood to flow through the heart. The atria act as recieving stations and the ventricles act as discharging stations. The vascular system is completely different than usual, with the pelagus artery at the center of the vascular system. This is in turn let blood from the superior ventricle through the pelagial valve. Other valves include the duocuspid valve, leading from the inferior aorta to two parts of the left inferior ventricle, the pulmonary valve. This leads to the pulmonary artery, like in most animals.

Blood flows through the heart in two directions, from the superior atria to the inferior ventricles, and from the inferior atria to the superior ventricle. The pulmonary valve is located on the superior ventricle, as is all of the other valves leading to places above the pectorals.

Vorians preform respiration, therefore they have lungs. Vorians have three lungs, each powered by a separate ventricle. The lung powered by the superior ventricle is located behind the heart, and is far flatter and wider than the other two. Together, the lungs have over 5,000 kilometers of airways and 600-800 alveoli. If all of the capillaries surrounding the alveoli were stretched out in one straight line, they would measure 1231 kilometers in total length.

Each inferior lung weighs 1.7 kilograms, and the posterior lung weighs 1.9 kilograms, making a total of 5.3 kilograms in weight. The lung pattern is familiar, with the trachea branching off into the three lungs with bronchi, bronchioles, and terminal bronchioles. This conducting zone has no contact with the blood and has reinforced bone and cartilage to hold open the airways. Since the air is already purified with the mouth filter, very little cilia is seen in the bronchioles, however present.

A small degree of greater redundancy is seen in the body of the Vorian, as there are two thymi. These act just like human thymi, educating T-lymphocytes. This grows through age, as it weighs 10-15 grams at birth, and weighs up to 40 grams at adulthood. It slowly declines after the age of forty to fifty.

Vorian digestive

The digestive system of a Vorian

The thymus changes from a grey-pink color to a yellow-pink color with age as it slowly declines into fatty tissue. This slightly slows the generation and quality of T-cells, but does not stop. However, at the age of 160, Vorians usually suffer from their thymus becoming a series of fatty tissue, weighing only up to 20 grams in total.

The eosophagus transfers liquidated food into the first stomach, through the cardial notch. This is then stored in a section called the crimenal region, which slowly liquidates the food into chyme. This takes up most of the first stomach, and makes up the body. It is then moved to the pyloric canal for a few minutes, showered with heavy acids, and then goes through a duodenum towards the second stomach. This is directly underneath the first stomach, in a mirror image. However, it is smaller, and more adapted to liquidizing minerals and rocks.

After being pushed through a second duodenum, the chyme travels to the jejunum of the small intestine. Here, villi absorb nutrients and minerals. The next section, between the jejunum and ileum, is the contundum section. This takes in more minerals from indigested sand and tries to maximise use using tritori, mucus-covered sand-absorbing masses which slowly liquidize small rock and sand particles. The large intestine loops around the small intestine twice.

There is no liver, but instead two organs taking its place - the recumbo and the tardius. The recumbo synthesizes proteins and aids in white cell production, while the tardius detoxifies liquids and lowers fat levels. There are two tardii, located on the sides of the second stomach, while the single recumbo is located between the two stomachs.

The Vorians have no urinary tract, taking all liquid into plasma and saline generation. Their diet does not consist of much actual liquid, as they are desert creatures. They have four adrenal glands, with a higher production rate. This allows them to have a large control over energy levels.


Vorians have advanced augmentation and genetics, creating stronger and faster generations for their military. They were once sexual and viviparous, but engineered themselves to be asexual. They grow their young from embryotic stem cells, which are created from tissues in large factories. Their height and gait were probably far more different when non-space-faring, so they must have engineered themselves to have an upright gait.

Soldier Vorians recieve both engineered genes and a set of metal implants. They are engineered to have denser muscles and more efficient hearts, and organs are often enlarged. As a result of this, soldiers can be seen to be at least 40 kilograms extra muscle and organ mass. As for augmentation, they recieve many facial implants, such as a titanium jawbone, which aids in hand-to-hand combat. Their eyes are often replaced with 'hyperreality lenses,' which use an orbiting sattelite system to find enemies on the battlefield.

Vorian nanobot

A Vorian digestive nanobot unit

Most changes involve internal organs, however. Most solders have a titanium and graphene heart replacement, and a titanium braincase. This causes far less deaths in the army related to gunshot wounds. Nanopumps are placed at points in the legs and arms, which produce platelets at a far more advanced rate. With this, they can clot up wounds easily, in a matter of hours.

In all members of the Vorian race above the age of twelve have nanobots placed inside of the contundum, so they can digest more food. This has prevented many food shortages. It is possible, because of this, that they removed their urinary tract, or they simply evolved without it.

Marines and spec ops soldiers are equipped, as well as all previously listed, a series of implanted knives. These are usually placed on the arms and legs, which allow them to deliver far more damaging kicks. All soldiers are trained in forms of martial arts, involving kicks, punches, attacks with the radial region, and clawing movements.

Young are genetically programmed using quantum computers, relaying the exact genetic code to growing machines. They spray stem cells in a 3d printer, to create separate organs. These are assembled, along with all of the nerves, lymph nodes, blood vessels, etc to make the whole body. To prevent idiocracy, they have a randomizing program to create slightly different Vorians every time. The system has never fully relayed through the program.

Intelligence and Society[]

Vorians are sapient, capable of technological development and empathy. Their civilization has developed many forms of technology, including nanobots, interstellar travel, and AI's. Their brains are familiar, just formatted to fit inside of their skull. Their brains are around 1.7 times the volume of a human and 1.3 times the density. As a result, they sufferer from moderate synaesthesia, often causing mental disorders. The brain layout if otherwise familiar, with the prefrontal cortex in charge of higher thought. However, the visual cortex is far larger.

The cerebral cortex is nearly symmetrical, as with most animals. However, it is not separated into four sections as usual, it is in fact separated into five lobes. There still are the basic four lobes, but there is the auxillivisual lobe. which controls most of the visual cortex, but has seperate lobes known as conspectual lobes. These aid in the processing of ultraviolet wavelengths. Some augmentation allows sight into the x-ray spectrum, but is only experimental and causes major syneasthesia, and often insanity and narcissism.

They have more innate knowlege and common sense than humans, and have more creativity and emotions. They have subtle reflexes, except where elastic muscles are seen.


Vorian language is very guttural, relying on low sounds and consonants. It originated soon after they became sapient, and branched off to other parts of Voricia. It originated in the southwest region of their supercontinent, with very few words. This was known as primivorian. It soon developed to other languages when spreading east,

Voricia (1)

The basic map of the spread of primivorian.

becoming dogunitq. Dogunitq nations isolated themselves from other nations, so primivorian soon became northern simaldil, discovering new fields and sciences. Simaldil became three dominant nations, each with their own language. Istiletmak formed first, sweeping through the small tribes, but was stopped by Qalxan, a grand nation taking residence in the northern swamps and forests.

The last nation to form was in the isthmus between the two supercontinents, Taralziq. Taralziq dominated Dogunitq nations and adopted many aspects of their language. They then waged world war against the other Simaldil nations, slowly pushing forward. Their language permeated the other empires, Taralizing them.

At last, Taralziq dominated the planet, except for the unknown islands in the south. Many shifts took place in the language, as foreigners adopted their language, and a grand shift known as the agiz shift occured. Many new technologies were discovered, and while the language was still plastic, these foreigners slipped in slang and new words, making a global language. Modern Vorian words are based off of the resulting language.

During the colonization of southern islands, many new tenses, such as imperfect and pluperfect, were introduced. Vorians still speak to each other in third person, not using many pronouns, even when referring to themselves. If a Vorian named Asmaq were to ask for something, they would ask as follows: Asmak would be liking to have something. Syntax is followed oddly, with forms of verbs used in different places.

Translation software was made long after Vorian fully developed, but still was used in order to talk to Laoine and Rovians. Laoine managed to decode their odd speech, but not so much Rovians.

Vorians contain many hidden meanings and emotions in the way they speak, which are color coded on translation software. There are twelve tenses in Vorian speech, but only one conjugation. Ideas are simple to communicate, and several words can have one meaning. As a result, there are over twelve times the number of words in Vorian than english.


The Vorian Empire is undergoing a revolution, known as the Great Vorian Revolution. The system of chancellors has been completely crushed, leaving their current government paralyzed. 

Since they are mercantilist, Vorians depend on imported goods from colonies. Taxes are put on exported goods, given to the central government.

Vorians are usually trained in a special field, so if they are good at fighting, they may become a soldier. The whole time they are trained, they are preparing for a final test. If they pass the test, they get to go to their tested job. If they fail, they become a laborer or low-ranking soldier. However, during training, they still get training in other fields.

They express themselves through synthesized music and digital art. These tend to be about deep emotions or just ridiculous things. They entertain themselves using holographic and flatscreen television, with many different channels showing programs. These include comedies, news, dramas, and adventure movies and series.


A Vorian's name is a combination of their name, specialty, and what world or ship they were created on. Say someone was a molecular engineer created on Voricia, their name would be Zirek Muhen-cik ana'Voricia. Predetermined prefixes for the last name depends on how important it is. Small spaceships are usually d', r', and g'. Large ships are usually a', i', and u'. Small colony planets would include ad', adr', iq', etc. Major planets would be ana', ara', a-ur', etc.


Vorians are determined to break rules, and punishments are not severe for small crimes. However, crimes going beyond natural urge are punished by death, and only varlian and hokmdari get the right to fair trials.


Vorians love to express themselves through clothing, which usually follows a hexagonal pattern of plastic or heavy fiber. Even though they are asexual, they cover up at least 50% of their body in higher castes, and wear shiny jewelery such as platinum, diamonds, and other rare metals and jewels.

Many Vorians wear heavy metals such as iridium and osmium as a form of legal weaponry. They use these on either their arms, legs, or knuckles to fight using those body parts. Soldiers often wear powersuits, like the one at the top of the article. They support muscles and prevent injury.


Vorians are a very advanced technological species, adopting forms of technology everywhere in their lifestyle and even inside of their bodies. They fight their wars using their technological weaponry, make up for lost limbs with it, and depend on it now to even live.


Vorians use many different forms of transport to get around on land, sea, air, and space. Their land technology commonly features wheels, made out of heavy metal, and often attatched to spikes to gain traction on less navigable land. Spikes are also used as weaponry on their tanks and vehicles, where large tanks can skewer land troops with their wheels. The wheels are attatched in a familiar way, with axels attatched to engines. Smaller vehicles are powered with conventional four to ten cylinder combustion engines, but larger vehicles are based off of controlled fusion technology to generate electricity.

With these, they use 512 lasers to compress deuritium and tritium to make hydrogen-3. The excess neutron made from the collision is launched into the wall of a chamber, which uses the heat generated to create more electricity. Another form of fusion technology which powers large tanks heats up two balls of deuritium and tritium to a plasma, and then collides them with two mass drivers. The neutrons are occasionally contained to make a neutron-based ray which sterilizes all life in front of it.

Aquatic vehicles use combustion and fusion power to move. They use a form of ramjet to accelerate, and can operate at both surface and submarine levels. Their ramjet takes in water, expelling it at high velocities to cause an action-reaction pair. The ramjet is fueled by a vacuum source for water, taking in large amounts of water and expelling it using a concentrating device. This takes a large amount of water and forces it out of the back of the machine.

They also have many spots on the broadside which can have many sorts of railguns, mass drivers, and torpedoes attatched. These can easily swivel around to provide maximum area in which it can cover.

Air vehicles use ramjet engines to fuse oxygen and hydrogen to create an exhaust where it forces itself across the sky. Most are at least 50 meters long, using many ramjets to keep themselves up. Helicopter gunships are the main aerial front-line force, gunning down infantry with railguns and traditional projectile launchers. They can measure anywhere from 8-200 meters long, the largest being made of lightweight metals and some aerogel. Non-helicopter aerial ships which are greater than 500 meters in any dimension are aided with fusion ramjets to stay upright and aerial. As a result, many floating fortresses are seen.

Floating fortresses, or Qalauq, use the previous float method. They are also powered by high-yield fusion tori.


Like Laoine, Vorian spaceships are powered by Alcubierre drives to go into FTL, nearing 500 million c in Kosqalar, and 100 million for dreadnoughts. These are powered by multiple fusion tori, fission reactors, and antimatter anhilliation reactors. Only large ships can use these drives, so when smaller ships need to go into FTL, they have to be around a large ship or have a single-use installment for it. The alcubierre drive warps space around the spaceship, allowing a gravitational wave, created by a spacial catapault, to force the bubble forward many thousands of times the speed of light.

Since they are inside of a warped area of space, any charged particles that the ship is approaching is either vaporized or shrugged off the side. This also allows concealed FTL as none of their heat shows. If their attacker manages to find the warped space they're in, kinetic attacks are torn apart by it, but cause plenty of heat. If the attack becomes too intense, they must exit FTL.

For subluminar travel, Vorian ships use conventional fusion engines, and sometimes antimatter engines. These can let them travel up to .99 c, causing severe time dilation. Some Vorians use this to go for almost a hundred years in their dilation, but will emerge millions of years in the future. They are known as 'sleepers.' Several have been lost to Yuharon FTL missiles.

Vorian hulls are made out of either hard metals and graphene or nanodiamond, shaped in a single hull around the ship. These can shrug off many kinetic attacks, but are still vunerable. In the case of particle beams and other energy-based weapons, they have extremely strong kinetic barriers and magnetic fields to deter attacks. These are nearly indefinitely powered, as they are continuously powered by antimatter and fusion engines. Even if damage is done to the ship, nanobots carrying a repairing payload can repair the hull.

Their armor and shields can take many gigatons of force, and it takes several mass driver shots to exhaust the shields, and another ten to twenty to punch a hole in the hull. They can take minor EMP's, solar flares, extremes of temperature, nuclear fallout, and even lower atmospheres of gas giants.

Spaceship Classes[]

A Vorian Kosqalar under construction in a nebula

The Vorian navy has several classes of ships, each separated into subclasses.

  • Kosqalar are the largest of all of the classes, and can be up to five thousand kilometers long, and are circular in shape.. They carry one dreadnaught, up to one hundred battleships, and an innumerable amount of other classes. They are armed with millions of xasers and gasers, which are highly effective. They are covered with several hundreds of thousands of mass drivers. They have a variable number of spikes facing perpendicular to the sides of the ship, which can generate immense balls of electricity, create a radial xaser, and fire an advanced weapon known as the Mehv.
This is fires a straight line of antiparticles towards another ship, completely anhilliating it slowly, and many ships around it. It is not known how they get so much antimatter, but it is known that they have hundreds of particle colliders inside of their ships. This is powerful enough to eventually break through nanodiamond. It could, with maximum concentration, hypothetically create enough force to break through neutronium-metal.
  • Dreadnaughts are the next largest class of ships, measuring up to two hundred kilometers long. They have many thousands of xasers, gasers, masers, etc, each able of cutting through solid iridium. They have mass drivers, each delivering wads of squashing copper at .29 c. They have very thick hulls, able to take many megatonnes of TNT equivalent. They are used less for combat than transportation, and carry many servicing ships to repair ships. Variations of Dreadnaughts include:
    • Zaval-A - A smaller dreadnaught with less armor and more weapons
    • Zaval-B - An adapted version of Zaval-A, with higher power weaponry and fitted with six Mehvs
    • Rezih-1 - The first in a series of heavily armored, large dreadnaughts
    • Rezih-2 - Less armored than Rezih-1, but with more shields
    • Rezih-3 - A Rezih-1, with an adopted Gorkhan Ljusk-skyrgd
  • The next largest class is the battleship class. These are the main fighting force in the military, with hundreds of mass drivers and missiles. They use antimatter and fusion missiles, each delivering 10 kilotons to 2 gigatons of TNT equivalent. Their mass drivers are highly efficient, delivering several tons of force per shot. They have the best armor in the fleet. Variations of Battleships include:
    • Suret-1 - A faster variation than the original design
    • Suret-2 - The same speed as a Suret-1, but with a more streamlined shape and more weapons
    • Suret-2A - Faster than a Suret-2, but same design
    • Suret-3 - Fastest battleship, same armnament as Suret-1
    • Yavas - Heavily armed, but rather slow battleship
    • Basqin - Highly balanced, but has more lasers and less mass drivers
    • Narici - A more aesthetic battleship, for escort and support
  • Carriers take out most of the transportation, and are slightly larger than batteships. They are responsible for repairs as well. Their most common current use is for guiding ships such as cruisers and smaller in FTL flight. Their alcubierre drive allows them to travel extremely quickly, matched only by dreadnaughts. They are usually armed with multiple xasers, masers, lasers, and the like. They carry mass drivers and rapid-fire railguns and coilguns, along with particle beams and the occasional Mehv. Variations include:
    • Dasim-A - The second largest, with a lower power FTL drive
    • Dasim-B - The largest form of carrier, with slightly more powerful FTL drive than its predecessor
    • Xirda-1 - A smaller carrier with a large drive radius
    • Xirda-2 - The smallest carrier, but with a large drive radius and faster FTL
    • Xirda-3 - The carrier with the fastest FTL in the fleet
    • Qeyri - A carrier fitted with a Mehv, and more armnament
  • Battle cruisers are the next tier down, sharing the same basic structure and armnament as battleships, but with a greater emphasis on speed. They follow a more streamlined, swordlike shape, and can travel at extremely great FTL speeds. They follow the same basic armnament as battleships, but feature more deadly and accurate weaponry more sparsely placed. Most varieties have miniature Mehv cannons, and some use a single spike on their tip like that of a Kosqalar. Variations include:
    • Qilinc - A blade-shaped, heavily armed battlecruiser
    • Qilinc-2 - Slightly wider than its predecessor, with two Mehv cannons on the sides
    • Qilinc-2A - Mehv cannons are slightly larger with a higher antiparticle concentration
    • Kup - Firings support with far more high-energy weapons, for long-distance precision targeting
    • Qalib-1 - Largest form of battlecruiser, with two small broadside Mehv cannons
    • Qalib-2 - Slightly smaller, but with greater speeds and same number of Mehv cannons
    • Qalib-2A - Using the same design, but instead with a hugely scaled down Kosqalar spike at the end
  • Frigates are next largest, around 2-3 kilometers long. They use the advantage of agility and speed to take down enemy fleets, with an emphasis on broadside laser weaponry. They use this to weaken hulls for mass driver shots to destroy smaller ships. They also have mass driver weaponry with the lasers in case of larger ship attacks. They do not carry Mehv cannons, but still use antimatter in missiles. Variations include:
    • Yixmaq-1 - First spaceship used above 1 km long, many more lasers than usual
    • Yixmaq-2 - Used in Rovian conflict, many mass drivers and thermonuclear missiles
    • Yixmaq-3 - Developed by Laoine, many more antimatter missiles, each with multi-GT yield
    • Yixmaq-4 - Latest version, larger and more powerful in terms of missile yield
    • Uscur - One-off version, more aesthetic and used for space transportation
  • Heavy cruisers are the largest non FTL-equipped ships, and have to be transported by carriers or the like. They only are armed with a few mass drivers, since they only reach 800 meters to 1 kilometer long. They are commonly armed with only lasers and railguns. They are used for fire support and shielding, since they usually have stong repulsor shields. Variations include:
    • Sipar - 12 variations, but all follow the same basic design, just increase in shield quality
    • Kut-1 - Heavily armed, with less effective shielding
    • Kut-2 - Same armnament as Kut-1, but larger, more efficient reactors, and stronger shield
    • Kut-3 - Largest in the Kut series, with a highly effective shield and many mass drivers
    • Kut-4 - Kut-4 are the smallest in the series, with a focus on the offensive
    • Kut-5 - Kut-5 see the least action, are highly experimental, and have FTL drives
  • Light cruisers are the second smallest manned ships, and are used as weapon platforms and recon missions. However, they see little action, as they are easily destroyed. They measure between 200 and 600 meters in length. Variations include:
    • Gizli - Used for recon missions, as they have heat sinks allowing them to loop back their heat emissions. They can use this to power a steam reactor.
    • Silah - Mainly used as weapon platforms and manners of escape. There are eight different kinds.
    • Kursu - Used mainly as aesthetic surveyors or explorers
  • Corvettes are the smallest ships, and are used mainly for exploratory and escort missions. They are always aesthetically pleasing, but only can use a few weapon types. They usually fly in atmosphere, and stay on
    Gozel Corvette

    An orthographic view of a Gozel-Class Corvette, from the Vorian Archives

    ground instead of in carriers when not in use. They are equipped with advanced sublight drives, allowing a ship of their size to travel at 0.9c. They each are around 100-230 meters long, depending on the desigh and use. Variations include:
    • Gozel - Built with around a railcannon, in a large, oval shaped spaceship
    • Celd - Used only for escort missions, with a few railguns and one coilgun


Vorians use a wide variety of communication devices, as they have limited availability to Laoine quantum entanglement. Their most basic method is just electromagnetic communication, relying on photons to relay signals. They do this on many different channels of radiation, hiding messages through them. They are usually coded, but easily uncoded with a key. However, this can only be used in a short radius. For faster interplanetary communication, Vorians can use quantum tunnelling to accelerate photons to up to 4 times light speed. Barriers preventing photons are small hindrances, but can still break through, however with a lower energy density.

A faster method has a small compartment with information, which is given FTL capabilities. The package is then pushed by a gravitational catapault to its destination. Some frigates act as mailmen, allowing the packages to move faster due to the more advanced FTL drive.

All large ships, frigates up, are equipped with a quantum entanglement device to alert of news or alerts. The limitation is due to the fact that lower class ships have no FTL, causing it to be able to communicate with tunnelling to its FTL carrier.


Vorians use a variety of weaponry, ranging from titanium batons to antiparticle cannons.

Melee Weaponry[]

A large amount of infantry use mainly melee weaponry, as their armors allow them to take many laser or low-energy projectile shots. These weapons include blades made of graphene-edged titanium, which are extremely heavy and can slice through almost all organic materials due to its sharpness. These are seen commonly, ranging in quality, from just being able to slice through small trees to being able to cut through half of an inch of solid steel.

More commonly, Vorians use momentum to kill. This is seen in maces and flails. Maces are made of a reinforced titanum hilt, with a padded exterior. This is usually padded with heavier aerogel, which allows custom grips after a few minutes of use. The ball of the mace is in fact not a ball at all. They are made of double-z formations, with a sharp end. These are sharpened titanium and kevlar, but not usually graphene. They occasionally have borrowed Laoine technology, allowing a sheath of plasma around it. This burns any organics or less rare metals it comes in contact with. However, it only can be very hot plasma when made of ceramics.

Flails are a more ranged form of the mace, and has a titanium handle. Inside, there is a synthetic polymer rope attatched to a mace ball. This usually has a range of 5-10 meters.

Ranged Weaponry[]

Vorians use a variety of kinetic weaponry, ranging from regular pistols to railcannons.

  • Vorian Kinetic Pistol: Pistols fire 20 gram bullets at 1 1/3 kilometers per second, resulting in 8.5 grams of TNT force equivalent. The firing rate is around 3 bullets per second. Bullets are made of titanium or steel, and are fired from a hardened plastic or steel barrels. They have a steel or iron hilt, surrounded in synthetic fiber to get a better grip. The firing mechanism is controlled by a long trigger controlled by the thumb. The trigger creates an electric pulse, activating a controlled explosive firing mechanism.
  • Vorian Kinetic Rifle: Rifles fire 30 gram bullets at 2 kilometers per second, resulting in 28.3 grams of TNT equivalent. The firing rate is around 2 bullets every three seconds, a lower firing rate. However, they are designed to be more accurate, and almost always titanium. Some are tipped with graphene, and are fired from the same material barrels as pistols, but more commonly metal. The handles are angled outwards to provide shoulder access. Rifles are usually carried in two hands, with the second supporting the aim. The firing system is the same, but the trigger is activated inside the handle, where there is a button used to fire. The safety system deactivates within 45 seconds.
  • Vorian Kinetic SMG: Submachine guns fire 15 gram bullets at 1 kilometer per second, resulting in 3.6 grams of TNT equivalent per shot. The firing rate is around 17 bullets per second, but is far less accurate than rifles or pistols. The bullets are almost always made of steel or aluminum, only useful against organics. They are designed for close quarters combat, able to take out multiple enemies at once. The trigger is placed in the same place as the pistol.
  • Vorian Kinetic Sniper Rifle: Snipers fire 25 gram bullets at 5 1/2 kilometers per second, resulting in 180.1 grams of TNT equivalent. Snipers use advanced computers and sights to pinpoint targets and take them out. Their bullets are made of graphene-tipped titanium, occasionally filled with toxins or septic poison. The barrel is almost always made of titanium, alloyed with metals such as aluminum and vanadium. Snipers are at the back line of any attack. They carry small melee weapons.
  • Vorian Explosive Rocket Launcher: Rocket launchers use rocket-guided missiles, accelerated to .9 kilometers per second, each weighing around half a kilogram. The preliminary hit delivers 96.8 grams of TNT equivalent, where there is a charge containing a variable .5-4.3 kg TNT equivalent. These use several methods to inflict damage, while most are simply explosive, some are also fragmenting, include smoke, flashbangs, and can be incendiary. Each clip of rockets contain six rockets, and can be emptied in five seconds at optimal speed.
  • Vorian Flamethrower: Vorian flamethrowers are simple designs, with a handle connected to a trigger, each igniting fuel pods, directing the flame into a tunnel, leading to the barrel. The flame then is expelled by a 'flame condenser.' The fuel used is butane, with many other, harder to obtain, flammable liquids, ignited with air. Vorian technology allows the butane to expel itself at maximum adiabatic flame temperature, or around 1,970 degrees Celcius. The butane is mixed with a gelatinous substance, allowing it to further stick onto targets. This aids in non-flammable targets, such as Yuharon drones.
  • Vorian Rail-Rifle: Vorian railgun weaponry is rather advanced for a VIII class civilization, and they are extremely well developed in the field. Rail-rifles fire squashing bullets at seven kilometers per second, each weighing 22 grams. These cause heavy trauma, due to the squash. The resulting force is equivalent to 257 grams of TNT force. The gun can fire 4 bullets every 9 seconds, slightly faster than Kinetic Rifles. The gun body is made of plastic, along with the magazine. The barrel is made of titanium, while the bullets are mainly made of squashing copper or iron.
  • Vorian Rail-Sniper: The rail-sniper fires the fastest of all of the handheld weaponry, with 60 g bullets. The resulting force is very large, since it fires at 11 kilometers per second. However variable, the force can reach 1735.2 grams of TNT equivalent. The body is made of ceramics and plastic, going for an aesthetic look. The barrel is made of robust steel or titanium, alloyed with vanadium and aluminum. The bullets, unlike most railgun weapons, is sharp, made of graphite-coated iridium. This allows maximum weight, being the second most dense metal.
  • Vorian Rail-SMG: Submachine guns of the railgun variety are far different than regular SMG's, and have lead to new automated weapons of the railgun variety. Each bullet weighs far less than kinetic varieties, at 4 grams. Each is accelerated to 5.5 kilometers per second, resulting in 28.9 grams of TNT per shot, heavier than regular SMG's. Each gun fires at a rate of 10 bullets per second, with magazines of 300-400 bullets. Bullets are made of squashing copper.
  • Vorian Rail-LMG: Light machine guns are larger than any of the previously mentioned weapons, except the rocket launcher. The LMG fires 14g projectiles at up to 6 kilometers per second, however adjustable. This results in 120.5g of TNT equivalent per shot. The gun fires 9 shots per second, and is fed by a chain of bullets attatched to the belt of the Vorian. This is fed to the other side of the weapon, where it is then discarded and picked up by drones.
  • Vorian Rail-HMG: Heavy machine guns are extremely heavy, and require shoulder mounting or a tripod to fire. The HMG fires 25g bullets at 9 kilometers per second. This results in a force equivalent to 484 grams of TNT per shot. This fires at 4 bullets per second, fed by a chain, much like the LMG. The entire gun is made of titanium and some graphene.
  • Vorian Rail-Handcannon: Handcannons are a variation of rocket launchers, but not with explosives. Railgun varieties are the only legal form left, delivering an immense force at impact. This fires 100 gram shots of squashing copper at 10.5 kilometers per second, delivering 2635 grams of TNT equivalent per impact. Shock reducers must be used to wield these, and must be mounted on either a shoulder, sandbag formation, or tripod.
  • Vorian Heavy Rail-Rifle: Heavy rifles are varieties of rifles, designed to accelerate large shots at high velocities, delivering more force than the sniper. The heavy rifle fires a 150 gram shot at 7 kilometers per second, delivering 1756.7 grams of TNT equivalent. The entire weapon is made of titanium, while the bullet is made of squashing material. Each clip contains 20 bullets, with a firing rate of one every two seconds.


Most Vorian artillery use airburst explosions to destroy enemies. They are often large and high-yield.

  • Vorian Field Mortar: Field mortars are designed to be used in open areas. As a result, the mortar ammunition itself is more spherical, as to avoid bullets and anti-artillery systems. Mortars can be shoulder-supported, or be put on a bipod. They fire either single shells, with an explosive yield of 100 kilograms of TNT or a cluster of 4-6 bombs with a yield of 24 kilograms of TNT each. Ammunition contain napalm and launch shrapnel to create heavy damage. Some contain butane. The field mortar and terrain mortar each have a range of 2.5 kilometers.
  • Vorian Advanced Terrain Mortar: Terrain mortars use the same basic design as field mortars, but fire different projectiles. These are elongated and somewhat rocket-shaped, each containing the same explosive as the field mortar. Each contains slightly less explosive than the other kind, but can still be shoulder-supported. Single mortars have 96kg of TNT equivalent force, while clusters of 4-6 smaller ones contain 19kg of TNT equivalent.
  • Vorian Light Mortar: Light mortars are too big to be shoulder mounted, and do more damage to vehicles and ships. They can fire large bullets, each containing 300 kilograms of TNT equivalent explosive, a cluster of 3-4 bombs, each containing 90 kilograms of TNT equivalent, or a cluster of 10-14 bombs, each containing 24 kilograms of TNT equivalent. Light mortars are able to use airbursts, except for the largest clusters. They can be loaded with any shape of mortar ammunition, elongated or spherical. It has a range of 8 kilometers.
  • Vorian Precision Mortar: Precision mortars deliver slightly more explosive than Light Mortars, and have a greater range and targeting ability. They fire single projectiles, carrying 325 kilograms of TNT equivalent, which can also carry dense toxins with a 20 kilogram charge, dispersing the toxins and killing all organics within a radius of 200 meters. However, this is not used due to the fact that the Yuharon are robotic. Clusters of 2-3 contain 100 kilograms of TNT equivalent, clusters of 7-8 use 40 kilogram charges, and clusters of 12-13 use 24 kilogram charges. Their range is around 15 kilometers.
  • Vorian Heavy Mortar: Heavy mortars are the largest mortars, and have to be supported with a heavy bipod. They have extremely high explosive charges, greater than any other mortar. They have five firing modes. The first fires a single charge, containing 540 kilograms of TNT. The next mode fires a cluster of three bombs, each containing 175 kilograms of TNT equivalent, then a cluster of eight bombs, each containing 70 kilograms of TNT equivalent. Then there are the 'shrapnel modes,' used to destroy small drones. The first of these fires a cluster of eighteen bombs, each containing 30 kilograms of TNT equivalent, then a cluster of forty bombs, each containing 10 kilograms of TNT equivalent. Their range reaches 10 kilometers.
  • Vorian Light Field Howitzer: Vorian howitzers weigh around 100 kilograms, and are used in small numbers to take down heavily armored drones. They fire 4 bullets per second, each containing 55 kilograms of TNT equivalent explosive. Smaller variations are seen, 50 kilogram ones which fire 3 bullets per second containing 29 kilogram charges. They have a range of 600 meters.
  • Vorian Heavy Field Howitzer: Heavy howitzers weigh around 300-400 kilograms, depending on the make. They fire 5-7 bullets per second, which are multi-staged. The bullets each have around 100-110 kilograms of TNT equivalent explosive, and are designed to take down Yuharon dreadnaught forces. They have a range of 1.3 kilometers.
  • Vorian AA gun: Anti-aircraft weaponry use either a self-propelling rocket or a rail-based system. The rockets are each guided by a computer targeting system, and have a range of 15 kilometers. The rail-based system uses multiple proximity charges, each with a 200 kg TNT charge. There can be 2-50 of these, but most models only allow 2-10.
  • Vorian Razebomb Barrage: Razebomb barrages use large self-propelled hypersonic rockets to destroy cities or weak points in a large army. Razebombs are small nuclear devices, each delivering around 5-20 kT of force. This can destroy small cities single-handedly, and a few can raze an entire metropolis. Some are modified to fit 30 kT explosives, or clusters of 70-110 500 kilogram explosives. They require 30 seconds to recharge. Bombs are fired at hypersonic velocities, avoiding pretty much all anti-projectile targeting computers. They also can be fired at spaceships, only up to small frigates, with a rail system.

Vehicle-mounted Weaponry[]

Vorians use a large amount of weaponry to destroy enemy troops and vehicles.

  • Vorian Railgun Turret: Railgun turrents are a larger version of rail-HMG's, firing heavier and faster bullets. They are seen on all forms of ships and tanks. The bullets each weigh 70 grams, and are fired at 14 kilometers per second. They are made of squashing copper, and carry an osmium charge at the back to provide acceleration. Each bullet delivers 1639.6 grams of TNT equivalent, far more than heavy rifles or other handheld weapons. Bullets are fired at 3 bullets per second. Many are incendiary, as they may not finish off enemies quickly, so the flame delivers enough burn damage to kill the target.
  • Vorian Shard Turret: Shard turret launches a cluster of graphene shards at an enemy, slicing them to pieces. They use a rail system to fire a single cylinder of graphene at 10 kilometers per second, which separates into 25 5g bullets, each delivering 59.8 grams of TNT equivalent. This effectively slices through organics and weak metals, destroying targets. They are often coated in toxins, creating a 'poison dart,' which can kill anything it penetrates.
  • Vorian Hypersonic Missiles: Vorian missiles travel at around 4 kilometers per second, and are equipped with an accelerator to avoid lasers. They carry either conventional HE or butane explosive, and deliver a variable 150-230 kg of TNT charge. Butane are incendiary, while high explosive can be modified to be concussion or fragmenting. They are used as anti-vehicle weapon, and would be overkill against infantry.
  • Vorian Rail-Minigun: Miniguns use small projectiles fired at supersonic velocities to kill targets. Each gun fires 400 rounds per second, bullets weighing 4 grams. They are accelerated to 2 kilometers per second, causing each bullet to have 1.9 grams of TNT equivalent. They are used mainly as support weapons to larger weapons, and are operated co-axially to them.
  • Vorian Solid Squashing Railcannon Turret: Each of these fire a round of squashing copper, each weighing around 200 grams. They are accelerated to 0.02c, creating an impact equivalent to 859.2 kg of TNT. These are operated from larger vehicles, usually as frontal cannons. When impacted, the copper completely squashes, exposing an interior bit of iridium or osmium, which punches through any remaining armor. They can fire at 40 times per minute.
  • Vorian Solid Shard Railcannon Turret: A very amped up version of the shard turret, the railcannon variety fires heavier shards at faster velocities. They fire 1 kg rounds of shards at 0.05c, which is then separated into 25 40g shards, each delivering 1.07 tons of TNT equivalent. These are used mainly against smaller space vehicles and the largest of enemy tanks. They can fire 5 times per minute.
  • Vorian Solid Anti-Armor Railcannon Turret: Anti-armor turrets use the greatest force of railcannons, and are used against orbiting spacecraft or nanodiamond heavy Yuharon dreadnaughts, which have around 100 cm of armor. They fire 1.5kg payloads at 0.09c, each shaped like a rocket, and filled with an aiding explosive charge. The exterior is coated with graphite, so it does not shatter when entering the armor. The initial hit delivers 87 tons of TNT equivalent, which is then aided with either a HE or white phosphorous charge to take out dreadnaughts, exploding with 75 concentrated tons of TNT equivalent, or a nuclear blast to take out spaceships, at 7-10 kT of TNT. They can fire once per minute.

Space Weaponry[]

  • Mehv Cannons - Mehv cannons fire antiparticle pulses, deteriorating or destroying ships and planetary settlements. The stream can be regulated, from 0.01 grams per second to pulses of 500g every ten seconds. Fully powered Mehvs can only be used on large ships, dreadnaughts and Kosqalar. They require multi-petawatt power sources to fire, and each has an antimatter generator, much like a sophisticated atom smasher machine. These are up to 40km long each, and accelerate particles to .99999c. At maximum capacity, each pulse delivers 2.4 gigatonnes of impact force. Each is powered by five fusion tori or two antimatter reactors, making them extremely expensive and rare.
  • Excalibur Drill - Excalibur drills are for destroying large ships without sophisticated shielding or hulls. Each is fired from a chute on the side of ships, using a rail system to project it to 0.001c. They are made of nanodiamond-coated titanium and iridium. It then activates a sublight drive to accelerate to 0.05c, smashing all of its 3.5 tons into an enemy ship. This impact delivers a few megatonnes of force, either cracking the hull or fracturing it. It then reactivates its sublight drive, and begins spinning itself at up to 5 million RPM using an induction device. It sporadically drills through the ships, draining air and destroying vital areas. They can only be used by frigates or larger, and has a usage time of up to an hour. Eventually, the heat generated will melt practically any metal it comes in contact with. When it runs out of energy, it activates a nuclear charge of 10 MT of TNT.
  • Mordred Pulse Cannon - Mordred pulses are large EMP's, able to fry almost all hardened computers without sophisticated energy shielding. They each have over 500 TW power sources, and can reach a maximum energy density of tens of millions of volts per square meter during the E1 stage. They only can be powered by battleships or larger, as they each require at least three fusion tori to power. They are fired with large concentrations of hydrogen and oxygen, so they can come in contact with technology.
  • Pendragon Missile - Pendragon missiles use a multi-stage projectile to shatter nanodiamond hulls and destroy ships. The first stage is fired to 0.3c using a mass driver and the second stage is a self-propelling solid impactor, travelling at 0.6c. The initial impact delivers 2.07 gigatonnes of force, where the initial stage is a large wad of two tonnes of squashing copper. This is completely vaporised, and delivers severe fractures to all hulls.

    A Vorian directed-energy weapon

    It also disables the ship long enough for the missile to get through. This is followed by an extremely expensive self propelling solid impactor, weighing at 2.5 tons. This travels at 0.6c, as it is a self-propelling missile. It impacts the interior of Yuharon dreadnaughts, which can be up to 1000km or longer, with the force of over a 13.4 gigatonne TNT explosion. This is powerful enough to send relativistic shrapnel throughout the ship and fleet, some reaching over 10 MT of explosive force, able to vaporise most small ships and parts of others.
  • Broadside Mass Driver - Broadside mass drivers fire projectiles weighing 450kg at up to 0.46c. This generates an impact force equivalent to 1.08GT of TNT equivalent force. They can fire at up to 5 projectiles per second, but is usually regulated due to overheating, and is only used at maximum force during emergencies. They can be used on ships like heavy cruisers and larger.
  • Frontal Mass Driver - Frontal mass drivers are far larger and more offensive than broadside ones, and are used only on frigates or larger, but the largest of heavy cruisers can be built around one. They fire large projectiles, each weighing 600kg, made of heavy, but sturdy, alloys. These are fired at up to 0.5c, creating an impact force equivalent to 1.99GT of TNT equivalent. They can be fired at up to 3 times per second, but this also causes massive overheating.
  • Rapid-Fire Ship Railgun - Rapid-fire railguns fire 70g projectiles at up to 0.22c, at a rate of up to 70 per second. Each shot delivers 198kT of TNT equivalent. These can only be used by light cruisers and larger, although a corvette can be built around one. They require littile energy compared to previously mentioned weaponry.
  • Ship Railcannon - Railcannons were built before mass drivers, and are the main predecessor of them. They are designed to destroy smaller ships and slightly weaken kinetic barriers. They fire at a rate of around 2 per second, firing 1.5kg projectiles to around 0.25c. This produces 10.6 MT of kinetic energy per shot, and can only be used by large light cruisers, while larger corvettes can be built around one as well as small cruisers. They require slightly more energy than rapid-fire ship railguns.
  • Ship Ferromagnetic Coilgun - Ferromagnetic coilguns are only usable by heavy cruisers and larger, as they are longer than 130 meters. They use multiple copper and iron coils to fire a 28kg projectile at speeds nearing .29c. They require much more energy than railcannons, as they produce 27 MT of TNT per shot. Each can fire one shot every four seconds on smaller classes, but can be as great as five per second on battlecruisers.
  • Tactical Lasers - Lasers on larger ship classes require many tens to hundreds of terawatts of electricity to power. They can destroy large areas using rapid pulses of power, pushing forward quickly while a passive burning melts the same area. They can auto-variate in frequencies, depending on materials and size of the area being destroyed. They are particularily good at destroying smaller ships and oncoming projectiles, but not mass driver or other relativistic shots.
  • Tactical Masers - Masers can vaporise most enemy hulls in a few seconds, given that they are trained on the target for at least 0.6 seconds. Some require hundreds of terawatts of electricity to fire, but most are only a few tens of gigawatts. They can be used by any class of ship, provided that they have the energy to supply it. Most corvette classes use ones with around 40GW of power and a 0.45 meter aperture, allowing several to be on the hull.
  • Flak Guns and Point-Defence Lasers - Flak guns are used as point-defense weapons, to destroy oncoming missiles and projectiles. Each is operated by a seperate computer, and has a very wide range of fire. All ships are equipped with at least five of these, to provide all-around defence.
  • Small Missiles - Small missiles are seen on most ships. They are self-accelerated missiles, accelerating to around 0.0001c, so they are able to catch up to enemies. They explode with a force of around 0.1-50 megatons of force, using a nuclear fission or thermonuclear device. They explode just before impact, providing maximum damage. They are usually placed co-axially to larger weapons or fired from chutes. They can be used by all spaceship classes, and around 10 chutes can be seen on the smallest corvettes. Each can fire one missile every 5 seconds, and are designed to take down kinetic barriers quickly, so masers can vaporise the enemy ship.
  • Large Missiles - Large missiles are designed to destroy larger ships and kinetic barriers. They are self-accelerating, and can be fired at up to 0.0005c, enough to catch up to slower fleeing ships and manoevering
    Tristam Bomb

    A Tristam Bomb exploding

    ships. They are either thermonuclear or antimatter charges, delivering 50-300MT of TNT equivalent force. They can be fired by any ship other than corvettes. The smallest light cruisers can have up to 16 of these, either placed co-axially in chutes by other weapons, or on the tops or sides of ships.
  • Tristam Bomb - Tristam bombs are charges used for area denial and orbital bombardment. Inside of the 10-ton charge are two small mass drivers. These both fire 550kg projectiles towards the other one at 0.4c. These fire simultaneously, creating a relativistic fireball with the force of 2.15 gigatons of TNT. They have large energy packs to fire the bombs. Some can have multiple rows of these mass drivers, with the maximum being 2*2 on either side, resulting in 8.61GT of TNT equivalent. However, the largest ones are only used during orbital bombardment of larger cities, as they will practically melt parts of the crust and send a fireball 36km in diameter. Smaller ones have fireballs of 10.34km radii.


The basis of Vorian shielding is repulsor technology. They can produce both repulsor sheets and fields, providing protection to a wide variety of vehicles and buildings. Sheets are usually used only on spaceships, while fields can be used to protect vehicles, cities, and sometimes even worlds. However, the most common use is in spacecraft, varying in quality in function of the size of the ship.

Soldiers have advanced armors and powersuits to suit their needs. As said in the augmentation section, Vorian soldiers often have augmented hides and organs to prevent destruction of their body, and increase redundancy to supply extra organs. Most soldiers have multiple hearts and more lungs. The bottommost layer in the armor involves specialized padding to prevent skin injuries, and to make it fit comfortably. There is then a thin layer of carbide and tough polymer weaves, which acts as an anti-bullet armor to prevent penetration. The last layer involves a series of microplates and shock absorbers to prevent injury from shrapnel and low-velocity projectiles. Most are equipped with a repulsor field to prevent high-velocity projectile damage.

Soldiers with heavier weaponry, such as HMG's and heavy rifles use plate armor. This has the bottommost two layers of regular armor, with slightly thicker carbide weave layers. The interior is filled with coolant systems and more padding, which makes up for its heavyness. The top layer is made out of heavy segments of graphene or nanodiamond, allowing extreme protection from projectiles and shock damage. Plate armor also uses repulsor shields. Helmets go along with the armor, enclosing the head with attatchements around the neck. This uses either a separate supply of oxygen or a gas mask, allowing them to be immune to biological and some radiation attacks. The helmet allows access to the brain, allowing radio communication with brainwaves projecting to other soldiers.

The least common kind of armor are custom aesthetic armors, which use many different designs and are worn by generals and marshals. These use practically the same kind of armor as plate armor, except for the top layer. This section is made of larger plates of nanodiamond, overlapped with painted titanium and blued steel to provide knowlege of rank. They have heavier repulsor fields, which allow resistance to many explosions.


Vorians have both planetary and orbital settlements.


Planetary settlements house the main civilian classes, with the higher classes living in high-rise castles and mansions, with middle class workers living in smaller houses in rougher neighborhoods. The higher cities have multiple skyscrapers, some reaching up to 5km high. They tend to colonize larger planets, as they are adapted to the gravity. Each planet has multiple cities, with seperate quarters or eighths seperating classes.

Space Stations[]

Space stations orbiting planetary settlements are used both as factories and large castles for wealthy citizens. When used as factories, goods are shipped using cruisers, which then are dropped off onto the space station. The goods are then processed into refined materials, and are picked up by cruisers or dropped down onto the planet using a corvette, which there can be 2-10 of per space station. When used as castles, they tend to be slightly smaller, with docked corvettes and many weapons on the side. These can be up to 5km long, with many rooms and personel attending to the place.

Military Doctrine[]

Vorians are the main planetary offense and defence in the Laoine alliance, providing trillions of soldiers. Tactics are designed to deal the most damage to enemies, as the value for life is lower than usual due to soldiers being grown instead of born. Soldiers are well trained in battle tactics and past battles, allowing wisdom and more knowlege of the battlefield. They have three main fighting styles- quick skirmishes, head-on tactics, and concentrated attrition.

In quick skirmishes, small detatchments of ships are sent out and fire mass drivers, Pendragon Missiles, and smaller weaponry at the enemies, and plant multiple Tristam Bomb area denial fields. This makes the fleet sessile until the remove the Tristam bombs. This allows for larger fleets and flotillas to use head-on tactics and destroy ships. On land, this is seen when small firing squads use heavy weaponry to destroy weaker points on army lines.

However, against less advanced agressive species, Vorian fleets can afford to directly attack them with large fleets. The moment they exit FTL, they begin firing Mordred Pulses and smaller weaponry to disable ships. They then attack with mass drivers, Pendragon Missiles, Excalibur Drills, and masers and lasers to destroy the fleet without any resistance. Against more advanced species, quick skirmishes are preformed before using head-on tactics. On land, large armies fire heavy weaponry and guns to destroy other armies, using railguns, railcannons, chemical weapons, and vehicle weaponry. Orbital bombardment aids soldiers in this.

If defence is too strong, fleets fire continuous volumes of heavy mass driver shots to disable kinetic barriers.

On planetside battles, orbital bombardment occurs with several frigates and a few battleships firing mass drivers and other weapons to destroy cities. Tristam Bombs are often used. After bombardment, multiple legions are deployed with firing support from tanks and jets to clear rural areas. In urban areas, multiple snipers and firing squadrons are deployed to clear buildings and streets, with military checpoints being set up every few kilometers to reload ammunition and tend wounded.

Squads of Vorian troops are stationed at some crossroads with firing support from a small tank to prevent ammassing forces.

Infantry Ranking[]

Vorians have a long chain of command in land operations. Soldiers who lead groups are prefixed with their legion or other kind of group. An example would be Cayn-Harubic. Naval ranking is much more simple, with different kinds of naval commanders piloting kinds of ships, and therefore commanding different detachments.

Basic Soldiers are the standard infantry measure, and make up most of the forces. They are usually armed with lighter weaponry, and simpler armor. They are armed with some sort of melee weaponry, and usually use regular kinetic weapons instead or railguns. However, they still can use heavy weaponry and plate armor. They have many ranks in it, which are listed below, getting higher down the page:

  • Eskadr
  • Haradr
  • Mauradr
  • Sheradr
  • Yuradr
  • Vokadr
  • Roavadr

Troopers are the higher command then soldiers, and are used to command small squads in the military. They are further schooled in tactics, and have higher-quality armor. They tend to use railguns as weaponry, ranging from regular rifles to snipers. They tend to be more intelligent than soldiers, allowing more creativity in battle tactics. They also have many ranks, which are listed, getting higher down the page:

  • Apamaq
  • Herumaq
  • Vumaq
  • Mauruamaq
  • Charumaq
  • Hyumaq
  • Zaemaq

Non-commisioned officers are the main commanders in the Vorian military, and command larger squads. They usually wear plate armor, which is decorated to show rank. They are trained to command forces when cut off from communication, so they are more creative and authoritative. They are usually inside of escort tanks during battles, but still can exit for combat. They have multiple ranks, getting higher down the page:

  • Harubic
  • Surubic
  • Xaarubic
  • Vosubic
  • Naubic
  • Ras'rubic
  • Waq'rubic

Junior Officers are the major off-field officer ranking. They usually stay inside of fortresses during battles, so they do not die during them. They have the option to enter the battlefield, and when they do, they tend to stay inside of large vehicles. They are trained in multiple martial arts and battle tactics, making them very hard to kill. Much like most forms of soldier, they have many ranks, listed below, getting higher down the page:

  • Haqqindr
  • Rusiqindr
  • Marisqindr
  • Vosuqindr
  • Myaqindr
  • Shuqindr
  • Zuhiqqindr

Senior Officers are seasoned officers, and operate from spacecraft off the battlefield. They command millions of troops each, so each fatality results in a degree of disorder in that particular troop detachment. They each pilot a heavy cruiser, and some a frigate. Therefore, they each command a small amount of spaceships (around 20-60 ships) to aid them during orbital bombardment. They have seven different listed ranks, getting higher down the page:

  • Hasuricar
  • Muraricar
  • Xoduricar
  • Naricar
  • Uruqqricar
  • Veruricar
  • Zaruriricar

Generals command the troops on orbiting spaceships. They can command up to 50 billion soldiers, so casualties cannot be afforded. They are extremely well trained in battle tactics, so they can command planetary attack and direct attack of multiple systems at once. Like senior officers, they have a personal frigate or battlecruiser, so they can have around 120-1000 ships aid them during a planetary attack. Many other fleet detachments aid them, commanded by pilots and other naval units. They have seven listed ranks, getting higher down the page:

  • Baralqir
  • Huvralqir
  • Cuxuralqir
  • M'aralqir
  • V'aralqir
  • Xe'uralqir
  • Zu'uralqir

Marshals command up to 100 billion soldiers each, so they are kept on board a battleship at all times to prevent casualties. They are the highest ranking other than High Commanders, and usually take at least 30 years to rise to the ranking. They each have a battleship, so they can have a personal Onluq detachment of 10,000 ships to aid themselves in transport. They have three different ranks, getting higher down the page:

  • Ra'ifravr
  • Haruvifravr
  • Vosifravr

High Commanders are the highest rank, and there are currently 30 of them, each commanding a trillion troops. They are members of the High Council, and are more politicians than soldiers.

Command Hiearchy[]

Vorian forces are convieniently separated into different kinds of groups, each led by a trooper or higher. This is for different instruction and attack formations, and each larger unit has subunits which can operate by themselves.

Both troop and ship chains are seen, while vehicles are seen with larger groups.


Smallest unit at top:

  • Fire Team - 2-4 soldiers, led by an Apamaq or lower.
  • Squadron - 3 fire teams (10 soldiers), led by a Mauruamaq or lower.
  • Platoon - 4 squadrons (40 soldiers), led by a Hyumaq or lower.
  • Sirket - 2 platoons (80 soldiers), led by a Zaemaq or lower.
  • Battalion - 10 Sirket (800 soldiers), led by a Surubic or lower.
  • Baslam - 6-7 Battalions (around 5,000 soldiers), led by a Waq'rubic or lower.
  • Regiment - 3 Baslam (15,000 soldiers), led by a Rusiqindr or lower.
  • Legion - 20 Regiments (300,000 soldiers), led by a Shuqindr or lower.
  • Theater - 10 Legions (3,000,000 soldiers), led by a Xoduricar or lower.
  • Iriqr - 30-35 Theaters (around 100,000,000 soldiers), led by a Zaruriricar or lower.
  • Seyyaq - 5 Iriqr (500,000,000 soldiers), led by a Cuxuralqir or lower.
  • Volyiq - 100 Seyyaq (50 billion soldiers), led by a Zu'uralqir or lower.
  • Dunya - 2 Volyiq (100 billion soldiers), led by a Vosifravr or lower.
  • High Command - 10 Dunya (1 trillion soldiers), led by a High Commander.

There are currently 950 High Commands in total. This means there is a total of nearly one quadrillion soldiers in total.

Space Units[]

Smallest unit at top:

  • Exploratory Fleet - 2-3 ships, led by a light cruiser and Exploratory Commander.
  • Patrol Fleet - 3-5 ships, led by a heavy cruiser and Lieutenant Commander.
  • Qrup - 5 Patrol Fleets (20 ships), led by a heavy cruiser and Commander.
  • Vurusr - 3 Qrup (60 ships), led by a frigate and Captain.
  • Flotilla - 2 Vurusr (120 ships), led by a frigate and Lower Rear Admiral.
  • Fleet - 8-9 Flotilla (1,000 ships), led by a battle cruiser and Higher Rear Admiral.
  • Onluq - 10 Fleets (10,000 ships), led by a battleship and Lower Vice Admiral.
  • Geniri - 2 Onluq (20,000 ships), led by a batteship and Higher Vice Admiral.
  • Vosuraqr - 5 Geniri (100,000 ships), led by a carrier and Lower Admiral.
  • Xosan - 4 Vosuraqr (400,000 ships), led by a dreadnaught and Admiral.
  • Nayvos - 2-3 Xosan (1 million ships), led by a dreadnaught and Higher Admiral.
  • High Fleet - 10 Navyos (10 million ships), led by a Kosqalar and Grand Captain.

There are currently 105 High Fleets in total, each represented by a Grand Captain in the High Council, giving them a total naval force disposition of more than one billion ships.


Vorians have a long history, and have been in space for almost 700 years.

Origin and Evolution[]

Vorians became sapient in around 3.931(.500), creating many different tribes and clans. They probably developed from the Alliyvan, another hexacrurian Agiliar native to Voricia. Language soon formed, in the form of Primivorian. Great migrations of tribes occured, traversing through the entire main continent and to western islands. See Language for more civilization info. In 3.959(.221), the final few civilizations began to rise, with the northern nations conquering each other rather quickly. By 3.967(.761), northern nations had conquered most of the known world. Soon after, they discovered island nations and conquered them as well.

They discovered electricity somewhere around 3.998(.370), causing a great scientific revolution, where they discovered electrical and combustion engines, with electical ones being more common. Factories were made, and for 500 years, Vorians lived in a renaissance of electricity. By 3.998(.895), Vorians had created computers, advanced firearms, and mass production. For another 260 years, Vorians lived in peace and prosperity, with many new discoveries happening. In 3.999(.147), they sent a probe to Rovaria, beginning the Rovian conflict.

Rovian Conflict[]

When Vorians sent the probe to Voricia, Rovians were at around the same level of advancement, with firearms and computers. They quickly dispatched a group of soldiers to shut down the probe and go through the technology. Vorians saw the Rovians as a threat, and began building large cruisers and corvettes to attack them. Rovians built spaceships as well, to fight off the Vorians. A long interplanetary conflict ensued, and many casualties occured on either side. The longest of these fights was the Besbatar Massacre, where millions of troops died without reason on either sides.

Luckily, Laoine intervened on the battle in 3.999(.312) and threatened anhilliation. Seeing that they were superior, the Vorians and Rovians surrendered and agreed to an alliance. They now prosper with new technology and power, and are an intergalactic civilization. They have thousands of star systems under their control, with supervision from the Laoine.

Relations with Other Known Races[]

The Vorian Empire has met many other races in their sector.


The Vorians have an alliance with the Rovians.


Laoine have a trade and land exchange to have an alliance.

The Assembly[]

Due to recent events, the Vorians, Laoine, and Rovians have begun to fight the Assembly.
